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Jacksonville Rat & Mouse Control

We are rat and mouse control experts. Please be aware that not all companies are the same, and most do a terrible job at rat control. The traditional pest control companies don't do good work - they just want to sign customers up to monthly service contracts and then show up every now and then and throw some poison around. This doesn't solve your rat problem - these companies don't want to solve the problem, or else they lose their monthly or quarterly contract. And that poison? It doesn't solve the problem, and only results in stinking rat carcasses in your house. We are different.  

We solve your rat or mouse problem permanently in a short time. We solve the root of the problem through integrated pest management - we find out how the rodents get into the house or building, and we seal all of these areas shut, so that no more rats can ever get in again! We trap and REMOVE all of the dead rats or mice so that you have no odor problems. We give a guarantee on our work.

We provide professional Rat & Mouse control for all of greater Jacksonville, FL including all of Duval County, Clay County, St. Johns County, and Nassau County. We service the towns of St. Augustine, Palm Coast, Ponte Vedra Beach, Intracostal, Northside, Southside, Westside, Amelia Island, Fernandina Beach, Mayport, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach, Jacksonville Beach, Ponte Vedra, Mandarin, Orange Park, Riverside, Avondale, Julington Creek, Fruit Cove, Ft. Caroline, Arlington, Tinsel Town and more. We are not a standard Jacksonville extermination company - we specialize only in wildlife, and will identify and trap the Jacksonville Rat & Mouse, control the problem in full, and we give a guarantee on our work.

What can rats and mice climb? - Rodents like rats and mice have incredible climbing abilities, which is a reason how it is so easy for them to get inside your home and invade it. People believe that rodents can climb walls and other vertical, even completely smooth surfaces. The answer to what rodents can climb actually primarily depends on what type of surface are we talking about. Majority of houses have concrete walls, walls covered with stucco, wood finish, shingles or siding. All of these surfaces are not completely smooth or even and have rough surface, what gives rodents excellent griping point. Rodents have claws and use them with great agility and skill, which makes it easy for them to climb such surfaces, even when completely vertical. This gives us an answer that rodents can easily climb majority of surfaces, even vertical ones, as long as they have at least a little bit rough surface to take a grip onto. Only if the surface is completely smooth and vertical, rodent will not be able to climb it. In all other situations, rodent can easily conquer vertical.

It is not the same with the glass and smooth, painted walls that don't have roughness as previously mentioned walls. However, people usually paint walls inside the house and on the outside walls use stucco, concrete and other mentioned materials that provide good opportunity for rodents to get to the roof. Roof is excellent entry point to your home, because it is never completely closed, or secondly has coverings over holes that present no obstacle for rodent claws or teeth. Read about what can rats chew through?

Rodents need very small hole to enter your home, once they get up the wall. Entrance points can be any hole such as ventilation hole, gable vents or even laundry vents can be hole big enough for smaller rodents to enter your home. On the other side, it is important to understand that sharp and strong rodent teeth can easily chew through wood or screen coverings over (for example) gable vent.

Most often rodents will try to stay out of sight by moving across your home. Because house interior and outer walls are full of insulation, pipes and wires as well as cables that connect you to city installations, it is easy for rodents to enter it. Using either the outside walls or cables that attach to roof, they will quickly and easily be on the roof and from there they can be inside your home in no time.

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For years the Florida Agency of Natural Resources managed the large group for growth. With pest control companies harvesting mostly male animals, Florida’s well-nourished does reproduced with gusto. Most mature does give birth to twins, and triplets are far from unusual. Even most female animal mouse and rats produce some sort of mouse and rat when they are just some sort of year old. Years of protecting females caused the large group to grow by leaps and bounds. As mouse and rat amounts grew, opportunities for pest control companies followed suit. Gradually regulations eased. In 1981 the Critter Conservation Coalition dropped animal sectors for resident male animal pest control companies, allowing them more mobility. Three years later, party wildlife trapping was legalized, and extra special pest control companies got their own special season. In 1987 animal removal trap barrels were legalized. In 1997, to the surprise of many, handguns were first legalized during the late special critter trap season. In following years they were allowed in most critter trap seasons. Back in 1989 nonresidents were first allowed to mouse and rat animal capture in Florida, and nonresident tags have gradually increased over the years. All these changes barely slowed large group growth, and record harvests became the norm in most years. The winds of change in regulations and wildlife trapping have been blowing for several years. Back in 1998 the Critter Conservation Coalition polled landowners and learned that most wanted no change in the mouse and rat biologically surveyed amount. That made some sort of dramatic turnaround as mouse and rat amounts climbed. In some sort of similar 2002 poll three-fourths of landowners wanted mouse and rat amounts reduced. The handwriting was on the wall. Local Jacksonville pest control companies had no comments on the matter.